Dish of the month of october


  • 60 g onions
  • 2 spoon of cleared butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 40 ml milk
  • 25 g cheese
  • 1 spoon flour
  • 150 g old white bread
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • some nutmeg
  • fresh crashed pepper
  • Salt
  • to finish: grated parmesan chees and some brown butter


Peel the onion and the garlic and cut it in to small peaces, then fry both together without burning it. Mix the egs with the milk and put them together with the onions and the cheese to the chopped withe bread. Season the mass with salt and pepper mix it proporly. Ad the flour and work the mass utntil it forms a homogen dough. Let him rest for a 15 minutes in the fridge.

Bring to boil the water in a big pot and ad some salt. In the meantime from the dough into dumplings with wet hands and cook them in the boiling water for about 10 to 20 minutes depending on the sice of the dumplings.

For the differents types you can add different seasonings to the mass:
Cooked and mashed spinach for the green dumplings
Cooked and mashed beetroot for the red dumplings
Spicy mountain cheese and freshly chopped chives for the cheese dumplings

Serve the dumplings with grated parmesan cheese and some brown butter on top.

We wish you a good try and enjoy your beautifull tris of dumplings!

Our wine recommendation

St. Magdalener 2019
Christian Plattner Ansitz Waldgries